Wake Up, Listen Up! | Wordeee
Wake Up, Listen Up!

Is your name James Patterson, Joan Didion, Danielle Steel or Michelle Obama? If so, ignore anything we say here. If not, listen up. At Wordeee, we are about getting you to the finish line.  It's the reason we exist...so you can make a living as an artist and like the Dolly Parton song, quit the 9-5....Your creative work is your  business and for any business to be successful it must find and convert customers. In other words, people need to know about you.

We want you to challenge yourself this month and set a goal for conversion of sales and building your tribe.  So here are a few DIY ways to leverage your sales on any platform your book is distributed.

At Wordeee, we have distributed your book on most e-platforms and are now gearing up to distribute your print copy worldwide, too...many of those platforms have ways of marketing your book on their individual sites. Take advantage. Let's use Amazon as an example. If your Wordeee print and e-book are distributed by Amazon, do you know that you can market on the Amazon platform to all Kindle and Fire users…same on other retailers, too. This can lead to more views, more awareness and more sales. traffic + conversion = sales.

Here is what we'd like you to do this month for your book:
Facebook Live from your Wordeee Author Lounge. Pick a topic from your book to discuss and invite people to engage. Make sure you do it in your Author Lounge.
Write a column for Medium.  It's a place where words matter...www.medium.com
Run a Facebook, Google, Amazon Ad for your book...
Sign your email with Author (add the name of your book) and add a link to the book.
Your goal is to sell 20 books...Go do it!

Don't despair it's just the process!
You'll thank us when your book catches fire.
Of course, if you don't want to do any of these things yourself then you can hire our team of Wordeee experts...it costs to be the boss.

Ebook Offer
Feeling stuck staring at the blank page?
Blinking cursor got you down?
Tired of willing your pen to pick itself up
and writethe words for you?
Get UNstuck fast with our free guide,
“I’m a Writer Now - How to Get Out of Your Own
Way and Become an Author”
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